
Being a True Leader!

Comments: 4    

THIS WEEK'S FOCUS:  In the current "debate on politics" in Washington D.C., the nomination of Harriet Miers to fill the vacated seat on the Supreme Court(who has never been a judge), as well as the resignation of the FEMA Director (Browne) after Hurricane Katrina (who did not have any experience with post-disaster reconstruction) have many wondering how we know if someone is truly competent to lead or not.

Question(s): How do you truly know when someone is competent to lead? How do you define a great leader in terms of the qualities that he or she exhibits? Use examples from "The Iliad" to support your arguments.

The only way to be sure that a person is competent enough to be a powerful and successful leader is to be tested in some way or form in order to prove themselves to their superiors. The world of leaders is at a different playing feild as one might say. The pressure may be segnificantly higher to succeed, and it is no longer for your personal asperations but for the good of the whole; the company, the team, or the ARMY! You must be or maybe just make yourself seem, smarter, stronger, and better than the others in order to gain their respect. Though being the best is not the only premise for being a leader, it seems to be the norm for most operations.

The Iliad, for example, shows the triumph and the growth of many leaders; from young to old. An outstanding  example of a test or a proof of worthiness is when Agamemnon tests his men, advising them to return to their ships and sail home after a lost war. But this in turn became a test for his fellow leaders of which includes Odysseus. Odysseus, under Athena's wishes, realizes that he must stop the men from leaving, even if its by force. He takes the great king staff and beats down men who deny his commands and forces them to stay. His actions became proof of his comanding leadership which came forth later in battle.

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WilliamsHalleyClasses on November 11, 2005 at 1:26 PM
A well-written but short response to the prompt. Try to elaborate more on your major arguments. 20/25 pts. Mr.W


spearson on November 12, 2005 at 5:48 PM
Drew, I totally agree with your statement that leaders should be tested in some way in order to prove themselves a good leader, which is what I based my response on. Leaders need to be experienced in the field of what they are leading or else they are clearly incompetent. And yes, as you said, leaders are certainly under more pressure to perform, even more so backing your and my main ideas; leaders should be skilled so they can perform under pressure. Being respected is also a key aspect of being a good leader, but respect comes with both skill and time invested in a certain field.


ctaylor on November 28, 2005 at 10:09 AM
I agree that all leader have to prove themselves but what do they actually have to do to prove themselves. People problably have different opinions on what qualities a leader should have, like should they have a strong hand or a mind for the people? Or both? And is both possible? If being a team player is a good leadership quality then why don't we have multiple presidents at one time. Even when there is a team, there is always a team leader or a boss that make the final dicision, or the decision on what needs done and by who.


bracicot on December 2, 2005 at 11:39 AM
nice job on your repsonse. I also agree that leaders should be tested in some sort of way because being a leader of a group is very important. Not only is it important to lead the group, but it's important to protect them. Leaders are under the most pressure, so this means they should be experienced in what they are doing. I don't know how a leader would be tested for thier position, but i think if someone came up with a way to test them, our leaders would be a lot better!


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