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To appreciate heaven well, it's good for a person to have some fifteen minutes of hell.
Author: Will Carleton   http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/w/will_carleton.html


In Cantos 28, Dante and Virgil are within the 9th bolgia of the 8th circle of hell. Here they find those men who attempted to perform schisms in the church when they were alive. We find them now being torn apart by devils. This is symbolic to when they attempted to tear Christians apart. �Along this ditch were sowers of scandal and schism: as they tore others apart, so are they torn�the devil who butchers us and sends us marching waits to renew our wounds with his long sword.� (pg. 236) This is directly connected to this quote because it later causes Dante think deeply about the horrors he saw there. He takes these images and will remember them when he returns to his home. They are so frightening, he wouldn�t dare perform such acts or anything closely related to them. This, being one of the worst levels of Hell, will make Dante appreciate heaven even more.


Also in Cantos 28, Dante and Virgil continue to converse with one of the souls that walk around in the pit and are torn apart by the devil�s swords. Here we see that the soul questions Dante about why he is there and Virgil explains to him. ��Death has not come for him, guilt does not drive his soul to torment,� my sweet Guide replied, �that he may experience all while yet alive.� (pg 236) This shows that when Dante returns to his home, he will have the choice to live life the way he wishes, but now he has the knowledge of Hell. With this knowledge, and the help of Virgil, Dante will certainly strive to reach heaven and avoid sin, fore he knows that Hell is not where he wants to end up.


In Cantos 29 Dante and Virgil leave bolgia 9 and are heading torward the tenth bolgia. We find that Dante is completely frightened by the sights he has seen with the souls who were tortured for their acts of schism. He realizes that this could possibly be him or his kin, if they themselves performed these sinful acts. �The sight of the parade of broken dead had left my eyes so sotted with their tears, I longed to stay and weep, but Viril said, �What are you waiting for? Why do you stare as if you could not tear your eyes away from the mutilated shadows passing there?� (pg. 243) Dante believes that he may have seen one of his kinsmen and it frightened him to believe that someone he knew was in such a horrible place. The form of torture these souls endured was something that Dante had never seen or even imagined. I believe this frightened Dante so much that he was afraid for those people he knew, as well as for himself. He will go back home and learn to live his life honorably, striving for heaven and avoiding acts that would lead him to the wretched Hell. Dante spends much longer than 15 minutes in hell. Therefore, his appreciation for heaven will be tremendous.

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