Comments: 2    

Question(s): How do you truly know when someone is competent to lead? How do you define a great leader in terms of the qualities that he or she exhibits? Use examples from "The Iliad" to support your arguments.

To become a leader, is to become the voice of the people within a stong community that support the same ideas in a democracy. One must be dedicated to his postition as if his/or her life depended on it such as Achillis in the Iliad. To be a competent leader one must show the strenth, support, and honor toward the population in which he or she will represent and lead. By taking the definintion of competent, qualified, it is important that over time a person recognises the importance of the job inwhich he or she will undertake as a leader.When a person showns  these aspects toward his or her belifes continually is when he or she may be considered as a qualified competent leader.

As deminstrated in the Iliad, the lead played the very most importat role in the cource of the war. If one of the main leaders fell below their beifes and qualifications, so did the reast of the body of his army. As a leader made the decisions for his army, it was imparative the he considered the qualities of a leader inorder to make the dessions that would be the difference between life and death.

The people with in a population my  not always support the desisons of a leader, but that is the nature of a human being. It is important to realize that the differences between the people of the world and the individualisum that flowes from their actions is a gift that every person has been given. The good leaders take advantage of their gift, but wind it in with the asparations of the bodies that they are representing.  A good leader my not always win, but he or she will always stay faithful to his or her people.

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WilliamsHalleyClasses on November 11, 2005 at 1:36 PM
One of your best to date; well organized and easy to read! Watch spelling though it is improving....Mr.W 22/25


bbontrager on November 15, 2005 at 11:03 AM
Nika-nice job. I agree with your point that to become a leader is to become the voice of the people, and that they have to be dedicated to that position that they take on. I liked how you said that the leader is the most important role and if one of the leaders fell, the rest of the army went with them. I also liked your last sentence, how a leader might not always win, but will stay faithful to his or her people. Again, nice job


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