Comments: 3    

As America’s population becomes more and more diverse within every year due to the different cultures that immigrants bring in or that we possess and share, the differences between every human being becomes more prevalent. As every person grows up, he or she is taught different aspects of the culture in which they are surround. Religion is one of the big aspects that most people learn at a young age. Due to this fact, people may reflect their beliefs in different ways that may pose a threat to others. This can cause great confusion and great disagreement within different groups of people, creating hard consents to disagreements. 

 With in our nation, church and state are not fully separated. This could be due to the fact that our main source of history, Europe, based its government mostly around the church, but as the melting pot that our country is, the aspects of religion are an unfair way to control our country. In the Pledge of Elegance it states “under god” which is a reference to Christianity, and on the dollar bill that is our country’s currency it states “In god we trust.” The citizens of American don’t realize these references to the Christian faith since they are so solid in our culture already, but when it affects the laws that we must live under, things must be changed.

Since our president is Christian, some of the laws that he wants to pass have to deal with the “abuse of his religion.” Two of these aspects are abortion and the right for homosexuals. Abortion is against his religion due to the fact that it is “killing a living being,” which is different religions is not a “sin.” Homosexual’s, he believes, are going against what the bible quotes that marriage is between a man and a woman. It is not equal to declare a law based on the beliefs of one religion for the rest of the population.

As the responsibility of the American Government to protect and treat every person as an equal, it is imperative that the great differences, such as religion, be kept out of being a deciding factor for reasons of law.  The Government shouldn’t be separated between church and state as it was in Europe in the past history.


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jmcginty on December 11, 2005 at 5:31 PM
I agree with Nika's evaluation that church and state are not currently fully separated. Regarding the President's specific religious beliefs and their effect on his political beliefs, I believe one's basic religious beiefs, such as the idea that we shouldn't bring harm upon another person, should shape one's political opinions, but we can't rely on religion to answer every specific problem we currently have because these problems didn't exist when these religions were formed. We are becoming more and more diverse and the laws in this country need to reflect this diversity.


bracicot on December 12, 2005 at 4:04 PM
Nice job on your response Nika.
I agree with what you were saying about how when kids grow up they learn more and more about their surroundings and that religion is very important for them to learn about. I like how you connecting how our religion and government may be connected because we have great influence from the government in England. Lastly I agree with what you were saying about having a Christian President affected some of our laws.


WilliamsHalleyClasses on December 14, 2005 at 11:48 AM
Your best grammatical blog to date! Well written and well argued. 25/25


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