entry #3

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“He listens well who takes notes.”


            This quote is relates to the actions within cantos 11-15. Now that Dante has experienced Upper Hell, he has now been lead into the Lower Hell by the continuous guidance of Virgil. As Dante experiences more and more aspects of hell he becomes more and more familiar with the constant pain, suffering, and sadness that is brought upon him as he views the ones of the past. With out “taking notes”, comprehending the guidance that Virgil gives him, Dante would not survive through the drama that he is lead into.

            “I moved on, deep in thought; and my Guide to me: ‘You are wondering perhaps about this ruin which is guarded by that beast upon whose fury I played just now. I should tell you that when last I came this dark way to the depths of Hell. This rock had not yet felt the ruinous blast.”(p112) As Virgil explains to Dante changes in hell around the changes that Virgil explains to Dante are put into notes by the visual surroundings of where he is.

            “There for my Master said: ‘if you break off a twig, what you will learn will drive what you are thinking from your heard.’”(p120) When Dante and Virgil are in the Woods of Suicides, Virgil gives Dante instructions on what to do to driving thoughts from his head. Dante takes notes in the form of actions. By doing what Virgil explains physically Dante’s understanding of Hell furthers tremendously.

            “But if these waters flow form the world above, why is this rill met only along this shelf?” The next way in which Dante takes notes is asking questions toward Virgil. At the edge of the Wood of the Suicides at the blood-red rill that flowed boiling from the woods and across the burning plane Dante questions Virgil of how it exists here in Hell. He sees it, can feel it, but questions it to know and learn about it. These are three examples of how “He”, Dante, listens well and takes notes through cantos 11-15.

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WilliamsHalleyClasses on January 4, 2006 at 11:10 AM
50/50--Well done all around! Great use of symbolism for "taking notes".


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