entry 6

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"They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe, Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting thorough my open mind, Possessing and caressing me" The Beatles


            This quote describes how some people are unnoticed as they pass in life, and are forgotten as they go on to heaven or hell. Through the sorrows and joys of life that drift through the mind of someone who remembers the ones who are forgotten makes one think possessing and caressing them. This is prevalent through Cantos 26-30 Dante is exposed to the evil counselors, the sowers of discord of religion, politics, and discord between kinsmen, and the falsifiers. As each had extended their life to the point of corruption, they slither in ways by Dante as they go into the eternal universe of Hell and damnation. The sorrow that Dante feels for them is ecstatic when he sees them in their tortures caused by their actions as humans.

            Pools of sorrow waves of joy explains how there is more sorrow in ones head when in Hell then there is joy. "Such shrikes and strangled agonies shrilled through me like shafts, but barbed with pity, that my hands flew to my ears," Page 244, this quote is from when Dante enters the Bolgia of the Falsifiers who during their life on earth told lines and falsifications. Now in hell they are punished by affections of every séances by possessing them in darkness, stench, thirst, filth, loathsome disease, and a shrieking din. The sorrow drifts through the open mind of Dante, which creates his action to cover his ears in protection from the pain of sorrow.

            He sees and feels almost joy when in the Eight Bolgia Count Guido Da Montefeltro. Hearing the Italian language the soul quivers with his eagerness to hear the recent news from his home town. This brings joy to Dante in a way by encountering with the hidden soul about the country that belongs in a way to both of them. Even in such a depressing situation of pain and suffering, Dante brings the outside world into the depths of Hell, to relieve the sinners for a few moments.

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