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“Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's knows what we would choose to do.”- Pink Floyd


            Though out life people in a way are all ordinary, but what they do, god only knows. He knows the lies, falsies, and goodness people do in life, and what they choose to do. This quote pertains to the nature of human kind in the Christian belief. As Dante finishes his journey though the Circles of Hell, the description is prevalent that god makes the decisions because he is all knowing to what the soul did during his or her life on Earth. As he accuses the souls, he sends them to heaven or to hell depending on the actions that he knows each and every human did in the past.

            During Dante’s journey he is surrounded my depressing endless hopelessness created by the souls around him that suffer for all eternity. For him, however, the journey is for the hope of gaining the entrance to heave by learning the mistakes of others. He is filled with hope even though his surroundings are forever punished. The book ends with the quote, “He first, I second, without thought of rest we climbed the dark until we reached the point where a round opening brought in sight the blest and beauteous shining of the Heavenly cars. And we walked out once more beneath the stars.” As stars being the last word of the book, it indicates that the hope that Dante had during his journey thought Hell was not lost. The stars are a symbol of hope and virtue, and also the though of every conclusion of a soul who is allowed into heaven is toward the starts. Even though the devastating visions that led Dante though the cries of Hell, the book ends in a way that gives hope and justice.

            In the quote, “Up and down, But in the end it's only round and round” by Pink Floyd, it describes the figure of Virgil. He goes up to Heaven and back down to hell to help people like Dante experience the ways of afterlife. He can not go into ether one, so thus he goes up and down between Heaven and Hell which creates a circle between worlds.


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