Entries "October 2005":

Monday, October 3, 2005

Times are a' changin'

Women and men have two totally different roles in this world. Men are the protectors where women are the nurtures. Men are the stronger vessel. The Bible actually commands men to treat women as the weaker vessel “husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” 1 Peter 3:7 You see, ever since biblical times, women have not been expected to fight… not until now. After the 50’s when the men were at war and women took the place of men, women have changed. When the men came back from the war they took back their jobs, but women had already gotten the taste of freedom. It was then the norm changed and women began to fight for freedom. Not to degrade women or anything, but our anatomy is weaker than that of a man’s thus making men more suited for battle. This is why the hero being a man is so excepted. The women’s will may be as strong or stronger than that of a mans, but our bodies aren’t. Because of this bodily disadvantage, we never fought until after the 50‘s when women were most trying to break free of the norm. Women are today are being warriors and heroes. Our movies are out dated, so to speak. Women are taking some roles that men take despite our bodily disadvantages. No longer are women staying home and cooking and cleaning. It doesn’t seem right to the audiences yet that women are the heroes. Soon it may. Its was never the norm to see a women fighting, but now it is. There is no real way to break this “mold” of stereotypes, except for time. Times are a’ changing’ as are the roles of women.

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Posted by: rvanderwende    in: My entries