Cantos 1-5 & chart

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The quote “a great flame follows a little spark (The Divine Comedy)” is highly evident in cantos 1-5 in The Inferno by Dante. To elucidate, this quote means that something small can turn into something big. This quote illustrates how the entire story came into being. It explains how understanding in the story occurs and how sin is planted. If you know how to peruse Dante’s words, the main quote will clearly illustrate the denouement of this story happened.

“and he then: ‘Follow.’ And he moved ahead in silence, and I followed where he led. (Canto I, Lines 127-128)” This is when Virgil, the sedulous guide, is leading the main character into hell. The character was not forced to go, he did it on his own free will. A free will that led him to explore the scurrilous depths of hell thus giving us the entire story. His decision was the spark that created the great flame of this novel. There is also content of how seeds are planted.

“As leaves in autumn loosen and stream down until the branch stands bare above its tatters spread on the rustling found, so one by one the evil seed of Adam in its Fall cast themselves…(Canto 3, Lines 109-114)”Adam was the first man created by God and was made with sin in him. This means that all of his decedents (us) are born with sin within. This quote is symbolizing the sin within as a seed thus directly relating itself to the main quote. Also, the main quote gives understanding in these pages.

“I understand your words and the look in your eyes (Canto II, Lines 43-44)” That was the “I” character or the main character talking. This means that he is interpreting words and looks to derive the meaning. What are words? What are letters? They are just sounds and symbols hat you have to interpret to derive any meaning. This quote is saying that from the spark of words and looks, a meaning was understood. This directly connects to the main quote because the words are the sparks and the understanding is the flame. This is how the quote “a great flame follows a little spark.(The Divine Comedy)” is directly related to Cantos 1-5 in Dante’s The Inferno.

Dante Aligrier Introduction


Three important facts



1. He was born in the free Commune of Florence located near the center of the Italian peninsula.

2. His mother died when he was very young and his father remarried.

3. Dante soon lost both parents and was completely orphaned.


1. He spent a lot of time with patrons in various courts of Italy.

2. Made a “first friend” named Guido Cavalcant.

3. “In 1289 he took part in the battle of Campaldino and the capture of Caprona.”


1. In 1296 he spoke in the Council of the Hundred.”

2. In 1299 he was a minor ambassador.

3. He married Gemma and was also a strong “white”.

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